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What's the point of drill and parade? You may think it doesn't have much to do with things like adventurous training, or leadership. That's not the case at all! It shows how disciplined and organised you can be as an individual, remembering instructions and carrying them out accurately. More importantly, it shows your ability to work in a team and is a way of displaying the high standards of dress and behaviour which air cadets are renowned for.

To the Front Salute

Paces Forward

Paces Rearwards

Right Salute at the Halt

Right Close March

Quick march

Officer on Parade Dismissed

Halt Quick March

Mark Time

Forward from Mark Time

Left Close March

Fall Out

Eyes Right

About Turn in Quick Time

Stand At Ease


Right Turn at the Halt

Right Incline at the Halt

Left Turn at the Halt

Left Incline at the Halt

Front Salute at the Halt


The CCF (RAF), along with the Air Training Corps (ATC), forms the Air Cadet Organisation (ACO), better known as the Air Cadets.  The CCF (RAF) is the Air Cadets section of the Combined Cadet Force. There are around 200 RAF Sections with approximately 7,800 cadets and 540 adult volunteers. The CCF (RAF) aims to offer an exciting and challenging cadet experience, based around flying and aviation and so inspire young people to learn and develop new skills.


Flt Lt A Stathopoulos


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