What's the point of drill and parade? You may think it doesn't have much to do with things like adventurous training, or leadership. That's not the case at all! It shows how disciplined and organised you can be as an individual, remembering instructions and carrying them out accurately. More importantly, it shows your ability to work in a team and is a way of displaying the high standards of dress and behaviour which air cadets are renowned for.
To the Front Salute
Paces Forward
Paces Rearwards
Right Salute at the Halt
Right Close March
Quick march
Officer on Parade Dismissed
Halt Quick March
Mark Time
Forward from Mark Time
Left Close March
Fall Out
Eyes Right
About Turn in Quick Time
Stand At Ease
Right Turn at the Halt
Right Incline at the Halt
Left Turn at the Halt
Left Incline at the Halt
Front Salute at the Halt